How To Set Photo On WhatsApp Home Screen
Hello everyone, we’ll be back today to discuss one of the greatest apps available on the Play Store. It’s called GB WhatsApp, and it’s among the finest WhatsApp in terms of all features. How to add a photo to the home screen of WhatsApp.
Include instructions on how to utilize it inside the application that launches it. I’ll let you all know what the features are.
How To Get App:
If you click on the download link I’ve included at the end of this piece, the application will download quickly; if not, you can search for “GB WhatsApp” on Google.
There will be a lot of results, so you only click the first link on the page. Next, you need to download the application. Once it has finished downloading, open it and grant rights so that it can function on your smartphone.
GB WhatsApp has many features, such as the ability to last screen freeze, which is one of the best. You can also change the wallpaper on your WhatsApp home screen by going to Settings and GB mood. From there, you’ll see a universal option and color options, where you must choose a photo.
You can create a stunning home screen wallpaper on WhatsApp by simply selecting a photo, cropping it, and setting it as your wallpaper. One of the coolest features in the future is the ability to hide your last seen and blue tick, as well as your WhatsApp status and everything else.
One of the nicest features is that you may easily hide from your friends, family, and lovers who have chatted with you. They are unaware of whether you are online or not.
Many people are complaining that GB WhatsApp is bad. Although many people claim that WhatsApp is not safe, it is actually one of the greatest apps with a ton of functions.
If you need future support, you must use GB WhatsApp. If you don’t need any images, you can use Play Store WhatsApp with ease, however this is one of its biggest drawbacks. How to Add a Picture to the Home Screen of WhatsApp
The last seen freeze, home screen background, and themes are no longer available on WhatsApp. There is nothing there, therefore you travel to GB if you need additional vitamins. Installing WhatsApp from the Play Store is an option if you don’t require its functionality.
Last but not least, I would like to mention this app. It is among the greatest for using WhatsApp features like a permanent freeze and a home screen wallpaper, plus it has a ton of functions.
It is among the greatest within the application. Let’s give WhatsApp a try, gentlemen. I’ll include the download link below. WhatsApp has more functions.
Simply click that link to download and install it, then share it with your friends, family, and lovers. Thank you.